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We are a {Storyline}

Everyone has a story.

You. Me. Your neighbor. The people I pass in the grocery store. The man who sold me stamps. Your garbage man, doctor, police officer. Your life partner, friend, teacher.

Everyone, every day, is living their story, and their stories are part of a larger plot written by a larger Storyteller.

It is with this in mind that I’m embarking on a study discussion through Donald Miller’s book, Storyline.

“As a writer, I see the Bible as a story. It’s a story about unrequited love. It’s a story about a God who loves a world that, for the most part, ignores Him. It’s a sad story, but it has a great ending. In the end, God gets the girl back.

In a way, that story has already been written. I mean it hasn’t happened yet, but for a God who lives outside time, it’s as good as done. And yet, the role you and I get to play in that story is still unfolding. And not only this, but we actually get to decide our little part.

All epic stories have subplots, and each of our lives is a subplot. What we want to accomplish at Storyline is simple: We want to help people live a great subplot in God’s story.” {From the introduction to “Storyline” by Donald Miller}

My friend Kristin is leading us through. She’s really great at stuff like this. And we’re inviting you along with us!

Here’s how the online study will work:

SIGN UP :: You’ll sign up so she can know who wants to join us. Fill out this Google document. And then order the book. It’s available on Amazon and Storyline’s website.

FACEBOOK GROUP :: Once she gets your sign up information, she’ll add you to a private Facebook group. This will be where the bulk of the discussion happens.

MONDAYS :: Each Monday she’ll post a prompt/discussion topic/question that relates to whatever that week’s chapter/story module is about. She’s broken the book down into 10 chunks so our discussions will begin Feb. 3 and continue through April 7.

TUESDAYS :: She’s going to blog her way through the book each Tuesday morning. Each post will be somewhat related to whatever that week’s topic is. She’ll invite others {those going through the study and anyone out there in blogger land} to link up posts that are related to each week’s prompt. That means if you’re a blogger, she’d love for you to blog your way through the study with us. If you’re not, you’re welcome to jump in further discussion in the comments or back in our Facebook group. I’ll also be blogging my way through.

So, who’s in? Please let me know if you have questions!

{Disclaimer: I’m not the most nutty Donald Miller fan, but isn’t that part of learning and engaging in discourse? Agreeing, disagreeing, being challenged? I’m looking forward to going through this study for the first time with y’all and delving into our individual beautiful stories.}

Published in friends storyline writing


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