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Trailer Rehab: The day the fix-it man came

This was a big day in the life of the Rambler.

Here are the highlights:

Plumbing: It works.

Electricity: IT WORKS! We have power in all our outlets (all 6 of them) and the lights worked. They don’t right now (not sure why), but we’ll investigate.

Gas lines: We have a new regulator and pigtails (the ones on there were the original ones and were unsafe). There’s just one small leak at the stove but that’s going to be fixed tomorrow. It’s pretty amazing that in a 41-year old trailer there’s only one gas leak. AND! We get to use a stove top and oven again. We haven’t been able to do that for a year. Also: I hauled propane. I hate that job.

Battery: There’s a new battery installed for the trailer, which was necessary. Apparently travel trailers have electricity and 12-volt batteries and converters. It’s the trinity of power. And without a battery that works, the trinity was out of balance and would’ve ended up blowing out the converter. A $100 battery is cheaper than a $250 converter system.

The battery is in the “trunk.”

Hot water heater: We’re still not sure on that one. Matt has to come back out tomorrow or the next day and we’ll find out then. He sees no reason why it shouldn’t work. We had previously thought this hot water heater was propane and we’d have to replace it, but it’s actually electric (YAY!) so if it works, we’re keeping it.

Door jams: He gave me tips on how to fix them. One can also buy entirely new travel trailer doors so that might happen at some point if we’re unable to fix these.

Fridge: The jury is still out. Everything works TO the fridge (i.e., power) so it’s plugged in right now. We’ll find out in 4-6 hours if it cools. Or not. Matt started out with a zero-percent chance that it’d work, but hey. If it does. Bonus. If not, we’ll pull it out and replace it.

The fridge crap.

Sorting, packing, moving: That’s happening. I’ve moved the majority of our non-essential items from the Pilgrim to the Rambler and have a pile of things to go to Goodwill and a pile of things that need to be returned to storage.

This is what moving from one travel trailer to another looks like.

Kudos: Matt said the Rambler looks a helluva lot better than the last time he saw it. He also said it’s in pretty good shape given its age.

His trip out was expensive, but productive. And despite the grammatical error on his van, I’m a big fan.

Published in #veRVe #weliveinanrv Holiday Rambler Trailer Living Trailer Rehab


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